Thursday, 13 October 2011

Amazing Mobile Concept

Targeting areas with the help of internet services
All of these functions is more convenient to use on a large screen, which is located inside the phone in the collapsed state.
Big screen consists of 2 layers: a soft OLDE – touchscreen and soft nano material hardening in the filing of low-voltage nego. At the time opening screen hard and bouncy, after work on the side of the screen is pressed Eject, and becomes soft and mosey inside.
The “Mobile Script” mobile phone does not require a power charge, its case is covered with a nano material, converting the Sun light into the energy for your phone feed. At your phone’s display you can watch how much charge is left at the battery and how strong the power of the light which charges the battery is. The mobile phone will automatically give the pieces of advice and clues, when a power recharge is needed, also it is possible to put the mobile phone for a night on a special wireless recharge rug or to recharge the device with a similar wireless way in any public place, where this service is rendered, whether it be: the public transport, a bar or a club.

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